The Golden Age of Piracy! Here at The Pirate Store our fine Craftspeople and Seamstresses work to provide you with the finest authentic reenactment clothing and garb. Whether you're a first time Buccaneer or professional reenactor, we take the utmost care to create your vision or help you design garb completely unique to your persona! Take a moment to look through our many styles and give the Captain a call to set up a personal appointment or to help build your persona online! 904 392 1172

Custom Made by the Capt.
Leather Belts, Bags, Swordhangars,
tankard straps and flask covers..

Men's Clothing
Women's Clothing

Leather Goods

Huge selection of Damascus Steel
and historically accurate weapons
handmade leather holsters!

Waist Coats
Custom Made here in St. Augustine by Our in house seamstresses for you

Elegant and Affordable...why pay thousands for something you'll wear once! Our huge selection of styles and low low price make these the choice!

Customer Gallery
Lots of fun shots of our great
customers and the events that happen here at the store!

Hats and Accessories
Amazing hatwear from Treasure Tricorns ! and our own in house crafters !

Are You Thinking of a Pirate Themed Wedding? Look no further... here is everything you could possibly need!!
Pirate Weddings

Pirate Krewes
So yar thinkin about joining a Pirate Krewe ? Click here to find out all ya be needin to know about em!!

Pirate plunder from all over the world. Check for our specials in the treasure chest!!

Engraved Maps and Pirate Signs
Hand made, laser engraved here in St. Augustine cuastomize yaR OWN!!